Tuesday, July 12, 2005

What Managers do wrong.-- Bert Webb's list

Bert Webb at Open Loops:

Playing “Gotcha” with evaluations – Allowing employee mistakes to accumulate with no feedback given. Then, during annual evaluations, dredging all of the mistakes up and documenting them on the evaluation, allowing the employee no chance for improvement.
Not being honest with employees – Telling them what they want to hear, not what they need to hear.
Not providing an avenue for employee input in the organization, department, office, etc.
Not sharing the credit when things go right.
Not taking responsibility – Deflecting the blame to others when things “go South”.
Not providing support or training when needed.
Not giving clear instructions and blaming the employee when results are less than expected.
Delegating the responsibility for accomplishing a task, but not providing the requisite authority to get it done.
Not providing feedback in a timely fashion to allow revisions or corrective measures that could be taken before the project due date."

Review Webb's comments for more items and post suggestions of your own!


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