Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Organize like Noah

"My Guide to Being Organised is really nothing more than a series of easy, simple lifestyle changes which can help you organize every aspect of your life. Your model when dealing with large amounts of data should be the biblical character of Noah, who you will recall built the ark and saved all the different animals. By utilizing a simple organizational system of collecting two of each animal, a male and a female, Noah was able to make sense of the chaos, convince others of both the seriousness of the situation and the efficacy of his solution and impartially sidestep many personality conflicts (“I’m sorry, we already have two elephants”) and ultimately end up on a leaky boat with thousands of defecating animals for many days. Noah’s system not only helped him organize his life, but also rejected any input which did not fit into his system, which is why you’re never gonna see no unicorns. In actual fact, as I look back on it, Noah makes a really terrible model for personal organization; it was a bone-headed idea in the first place and I apologize for it, since none of us is getting any younger over here, tick, tock, tick.."


I have never tried this model, but I think I know a couple of people that have. . .


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