Monday, October 02, 2006

Just who is Peter Gammons anyway? :)

ESPN has their experts up picking the playoffs. Two things stand out:

1) Exactly ZERO of the seventeen experts think the Tigers will beat the Yankees. Guess it doesn't pay to end the season being swept by the Kansas City Yellows. . .

2) Seven have it perfect (Jerry Crasnick, Jim Caple, Eric Neel, Pedro Gomez, Eric Karabell, Phill Rogers, and John Shea). Twins win it all!! Now, they cannot agree if Mauer or Johann will be MVP, but at least they have the champion correct. Now, I don't know what these other guys are thinking (Gammons, Neyer, Stark), but I am happy that Crasnick and crew got it right. I am especially proud of Pedro Gomez. He spent so much of the season reporting daily on Sports Center: "Berry Bonds took batting practice today, denied published reports, and would not speak to reporters. . . " It's nice to see he had time to keep up with the rest of the league and especially the Twins.

For the official record, the votes are:

Yankees 6
Mets 1
A's 2
Dodgers 1 (Neyer maybe California Dreaming, but it is 1988 in his dreams)

Twins 7

Go Twins!!!


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