Saturday, February 19, 2005

Book warning

I am reading a book that is very interesting. It is called GETTING THINGS DONE by David Allen. It starts with an interesting premise:

We are in a age of "Knowledge workers" (see Peter Drucker). Projects are fundimentally different now. The theory that "planners" such as Day Timers or Franklin Covey can organize you is false. Much of our stress, frustation, and bad feelings in our lives and work is tied up in not understanding the above and using inferior tools.

I am half-way through the book and will be writing more as I finish the book and begin implementing this. But I am more excited about what I have read in the first part than any business or self-improvement book I have ever read.

Here is a quick way for you to start checking it out: go to Google and enter "GTD" as your search term (for Getting Things Done). I just got 527,000 hits!

So for the few in the US left that have not heard of this, I hope you find this interesting also. For the vast majority that have already heard of this, why didn't you tell me???? :)


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