Sunday, July 17, 2005

Another Reason to hate Flash Web Sites

Don Giannatti wrote on his site:

"You are planning a redesign, aren't you? I visited three sites today that are agents' sites, Reps for photographers. All three had Flash intro pages. All three are totally invisible to Google. None of them had a single rank on Google. No Meta Tags, No page names. No content to be indexed. When I Googled their URL Google said 'No Match'. Wow.

So they build a page to tell the world about the talent that they represent and then do everything they can to not be found. Unbelievable. Stupid planning and devastatingly poor web production - what a combination.

And astoundingly all three had talent that supposedly built web sites. What they meant is that they made Flash thingies that looked really cool, just didn't get the job done when it comes to actually building a site that works for their clients. "

Add slowness, plug-in needed, hard to find and fix all errors, and hard to navigate, and you have the reasons I avoid flash sites like the plague. Simplicity, simplicity, simplicity.


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