Sunday, June 05, 2005

Rates and Fees

I have been doing the number crunching for my business plan and I am a bit uncomfortable. I have competing worries: am I doing myself a disservice by setting my prices too low and/or am I pricing myself out of the market.

I have done the right steps:

A. Compiled detailed list of all costs so I know my annual cost of business.

B. Calculated how many jobs I realistically expect to get each year.

Divided A by B to get my daily rate.

So, I am going to spend a few hours tonight re-crunching the numbers to make sure everything is included and balances correctly. Then I am going to need to find someone I trust to review my numbers and make sure that I am doing things right. I am not in photography to either grow super-rich or go broke. So I want to make sure my rate is fair and avoids both.

That said, I still worry about it and stress! :)


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