Wednesday, April 19, 2006

The Need for Sleep

Here's a great post for everyone to conisider:

"What produces white space in your life? Rest; sleep; time to think and reflect; periods doing nothing save staring at the sky, watching a bird, enjoying a beautiful flower; listening to music (not merely having it playing in the background); enjoying a good book. The list could go one and on. White space is made up of just about anything you do for its own sake, without hurry or concern for achieving some set result.

In leadership, the boss who packs every moment of every day with restless, frenetic activity will produce a cramped, congested culture where vital messages are hidden by all the clutter and noise around them. There's no space to breath, no time to reflect and consider. It's like the first example of the poem above. All the words are there, but a whole book printed like that would be completely unreadable, however important the message it contained.

We need white space in our lives as much as we need the air we breathe, the water we drink and the time we spend sleeping. None of these sound exciting, but try doing without them. Doctors are now pointing to lack of sleep as a major cause of sickness in adults and children in the USA. We're designed by nature to have around eight hours uninterrupted sleep each night; more when we're children."


I can tell you from personal experience that healthy sleep is critical for health.


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