Monday, June 06, 2005

Good Info for writing a business plan

Drakeview : Business plan planning: "The business planning process is also a time that many models and processes are evaluated and abandoned. The writing of a business plan is an opportunity to resolve inconsistencies, research shortcomings and validate assumptions. The plan should reveal and resolve these elements to the satisfaction of the founder as well as any audience that sees the finished plan. It is during the writing of a plan that the founder is able to appreciate the other elements of the business. Many times the founder will be expert in the technology or market. Writing the plan helps the founder explore and understand the interactions that are required not for a successful technology or product launch, but all of the elements required for the business to succeed.

Writing is a valuable exercise in that it usually stimulates more critical assessment of the subject. It provides a means to more clearly express your ideas than conversation. And it provides a template for further refinement. Conversations, casual or otherwise, are excellent for assessing merit of an idea or reaction of a potential client or customer. Written proposals require more from both the author and the audience. The writer must devote significant time to develop and articulate the plan and the audience requires more effort and time to read and reflect on the document. To get the most effective feedback, the plan needs to be approachable, succinct and interesting."

Now I need to find some time!


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