Monday, June 06, 2005

Personal Mantras

Merlin Mann has an interesting post:

43 Folders: Personal Mantras: Got one?: "My mantra—if you can call it that—is “Smaller, smaller.” It’s a principle more practical than spiritual, I suppose. I say it to myself several times a day to try and always remember that small things are easier to do than big things, and that most big things are really just a pile of small things if you break them up right. In real-world terms, “Smaller, smaller” means:

* sub-projects
* small-sized teams
* modest, achievable goals
* granular tasks, TODOs, and, yes, “next actions”
* fast deadlines
* frequent, but very short, check-in meetings
* understanding how one piece leads to the next
* making it hard to fail

There’s been very few times that “Smaller, smaller” has done me wrong. No matter how ambitious a project, idea, or problem is, there’s usually a way to break into very small pieces."

Looking forward to some travel-time to think about this and figure out what my mantra should be.


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